Can Osteopathy help with Constipation?
It’s not a topic that you normally have at dinner with a group of friends (unless perhaps you’re an osteopath!) but constipation is a common problem causing discomfort and affecting about 14% of people worldwide and generally women more than men (1). Constipation, as defined by the NHS, is going less than once every 3 days (2).
However, constipation may also possibly be defined by an individual as what is ‘normal’ for them. For instance, if you have always had a bowel movement every day and then suddenly you are only going once every 2-3 days, then you may consider yourself to be constipated. Constipation is also defined as incomplete evacuation, the feeling of not having completely emptied your bowel, or stools that are difficult or painful to pass due to size or dryness of the stool (2).
Why do we get constipation?
People often associate lack of fibre with constipation with fibre known to improve stool consistency and movement through the digestive tract. However, while many people may find increasing their fibre intake helpful, especially if it is already lacking in their diet, it may potentially make constipation worse by further enlarging stool which is already difficult to pass (3).
Other lifestyle factors that also have an influence on your bowel movements are lack of hydration, acute or chronic stress, poor sleep habits, inactivity and as a side effect of taking certain medications (2).
Other common causes of digestive problems
Often, there is compression, adhesion or strain on the ligaments and supportive connective tissue around the organs. This can cause discomfort and digestive symptoms. Injuries and falls, particularly after a fall on the buttocks can cause tension on the ligaments around the kidneys, often the cause of unresolved low back pain.
Just like the rest of your body, your organs can also suffer trauma. Falls, car accidents and other injuries can affect your organs – even if it doesn’t appear that the organ itself is injured. You can have the healthiest diet in the world, but if your body and digestive system is not functioning at its optimal level, you may have restrictive tensions in your digestive system which may be assessed and treated.
So how may an osteopath help?
Osteopaths are mostly known for treating muscle/skeletal pain, particularly lower back pain or joint pain. However, the osteopathic philosophy is to aid the body’s own innate healing mechanism by improving the functions of blood flow, drainage of body fluids like lymph, and innervation. This philosophy applies not only to muscles and joints but also to the body’s organs, known as the viscera. My background and experience has taught me that visceral osteopathy must be always integrated within the normal scope of osteopathic treatment, which always looks at the whole body to help address where pain and dysfunction may be originating from.
As there are many issues that may be contributing to your constipation, during the first I will try to get a clear picture of what that may be and what needs to be addressed or whether you need to be referred on, for example to your GP.
Treatment may include techniques that aim to improve movement though the colon by working directly on the abdomen, help reduce restricted fascia, muscles and ligaments that may be impeding blood and lymph flow to the viscera and improve innervation to the viscera by working specifically on spine.
Additionally, you will be advised on any lifestyle changes your osteopath feels might be helpful to aid your discomfort.
What to do next
If you think you are suffering from any of the above conditions or anything else, please contact me in clinic at this link for advice and to book an appointment
1. Suares NC, and Ford AC. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, chronic idiopathic constipation in the community: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011; 106 (9): 1582-91.
2. NHS Choices (UK). Constipation [Internet]. NHS (UK); 2017. [Cited 2018 19 Feb]. Available from:
3. Ho KS, Tan CY, Mohd Daud MA, et al. Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms. World J Gastroenterol. 2012; 18(33): 4593-6.